Saturday, December 16, 2006

Balsillie no longer buying the Pens...

In what was kind of a shock with everything that is going on with the Pens, Jim Balsillie has informed the Penguins he is no longer going to buy the Pens. The comes at a very odd time with the award of the license so close, just 4 days away. This could mean many many things for the Penguins. One of the reasons that seems to be coming out is that the NHL wanted Balsillie to keep the Penguins in Pittsburgh even if they didn't get the Arena. If this is the case it is a good step for the Penguins that the NHL really does mean it when they say they want to keep the Pens in Pittsburgh. Also if Balsillie real plan was to move the Pens then everything must be going in the right direction for the Pens getting an Arena because he pulled out so close to being either forced to keep the Pens here or having to come up with a Plan B. I think what was going to play out is that the IOC wasn't going to win the license because they didn't grease the right pockets and Balsillie was going to make the City out to be the bad guys by saying their plan isn't viable. Hopefully he is seeing all the signs point to IOC winning and that caused him to want to break down talks with the NHL, but that just me being hopeful.



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